The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

The Occult Review

Ltte - Impertinent Spooks (?)Inquirery1916v23-Februaryp112
Ltte - Angels on the BattlefieldAGy1916v23-Februaryp113
Periodical Literatureanony1916v23-Februaryp114
review - Towards a Lasting Settlement by Charles Baden BuxtonGAy1916v23-Februaryp119
review - In the Hollow of His Hand by Ralph Waldo TrineEdith K Harpery1916v23-Februaryp119
review - The Crimes of England by GK ChestertonEdith K Harpery1916v23-Februaryp120
review - Athalie by Robert W ChambersWH Chessony1916v23-Februaryp121
review - The Way of Martha & the Way of Mary by Stephen GrahamEdith K Harpery1916v23-Februaryp121
review - The Celestial Aftermath by Cyril ScottWH Chessony1916v23-Februaryp122
Notes of the Month - Spirit Communications - Madame de Thèbes - Mrs Barker & her BooksThe Editory1916v23-Marchp123
illustration - Madame de Thébesanony1916v23-Marchp132
Black Magic in Ancient & Modern EgyptIrene E Toye-Warnery1916v23-Marchp138
"The Seventh Child of a Seventh Child"Katharine Coxy1916v23-Marchp146
The New PsychologyGH Grubby1916v23-Marchp152
Psychical Phenomena in HerodotusJ Arthur Hilly1916v23-Marchp155
Renunciation (vf)Frederick Jamesy1916v23-Marchp159
Further Experiences at Knighton Gorges, New Year's Eve, 1915-16Ethel C Hargrovey1916v23-Marchp160
Family Death WarningsWilliam Gillespiey1916v23-Marchp162
Ltte - The Sexes HereafterArthur Mallord Turnery1916v23-Marchp166
Ltte - (re The Apocalypse unsealed by John M Pryse)WT Hortony1916v23-Marchp167
Ltte - Impertinent SpooksInquirery1916v23-Marchp167
Ltte - Two ApparitionsMontague J Sumersy1916v23-Marchp168
Ltte - The Ethics of ReviewingHenry Chellewy1916v23-Marchp169
Periodical Literatureanony1916v23-Marchp171
New & Forthcoming Publicationsvariousy1916v23-Marchp175
review - The New Science of Colour by Beatrice IrwinRMBy1916v23-Marchp176
review - The Drama of the Spiritual Life by Annie Lyman SearsArthur Edward Waitey1916v23-Marchp177
review - The Extra Day by Algernon BlackwoodEdith K Harpery1916v23-Marchp178
review - The Meaning & Value of Mysticism by E HermanArthur Edward Waitey1916v23-Marchp178
review - Spiritual Journal of Lucie Christine by A. PoulainArthur Edward Waitey1916v23-Marchp179
review - Women who have Enobled Life by Lilian WhitingH Stanley Redgrovey1916v23-Marchp180
Notes of the Month - The New Science of Colour - Omens of Death - Animal HoroscopyThe Editory1916v23-Aprilp181
illustration - Miss Beatrice Irwin (author of The New Science of Colour)anony1916v23-Aprilp183
The Olivar Prophecies of Napoleon & AfterFrederic Thurstany1916v23-Aprilp196
Plant SympathyEthel C Hargrovey1916v23-Aprilp205
Venus - A Sonnet (vf)anony1916v23-Aprilp207
The Confessions of a ScepticThe Editory1916v23-Aprilp208
Sidelights on the Ancient EgyptiansEdith K Harpery1916v23-Aprilp215
The White Comrade (vf)AL Heady1916v23-Aprilp219
The Soul of Music - An AllegoryDBMy1916v23-Aprilp221
Ltte - The Sexes HereafterHJHy1916v23-Aprilp225
Ltte - (the idea of twin Souls)Unityy1916v23-Aprilp226
Ltte - Christian ScienceCharles WJ Tennanty1916v23-Aprilp227
Ltte - Re Augustin-Louis Baron CauchyOpen Mindy1916v23-Aprilp228
Ltte - Mother Shipton & Francis MooreLeopold AD Montaguey1916v23-Aprilp229
Ltte - Taking Impressions of the Palm (2)Rathmoll Wilsony1916v23-Aprilp230
Ltte - Taking Impressions of the Palm (1)Petronetta O'Donnelly1916v23-Aprilp230
Periodical Literatureanony1916v23-Aprilp231
review - The Living Truth in Christianity by Bertram McCrieHJSy1916v23-Aprilp235
review - Prosperity - Through the Knowledge & Power of Mind by Annie Rix MilitzEdith K Harpery1916v23-Aprilp235
Showing 2101 to 2150 of 7382 entries