The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

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Listing all upcoming events.

Living the Chakras

Presented by Allan Meers

Journey to Loving Kindness: How to live with Metta

Presented by Walter Mason


Presented by Amruta Joshi


Presented by Anatole Kononewsky

Creativity: Magic or Science?

Presented by Helen Steven

Synchronicity and Hermetic Practice

Presented by Benjamin Turale

The Wisdom of the Whole Universe: The  Emerald Tablet

Presented by Benjamin Turale

The Path of Spiritual Unfoldment

Presented by Pedro Olivieri

Sound Healing

Presented by Nicholas White Wolf

Universal Manifestation Principle

Presented by Anatole Kononewsky

Revisiting Jiddu's Krishnamurti's Book  "On Fear"

Presented by Paul Pramod

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