Italian Folk Magic - Book Launch
Presented by Rose Inserra

The Path of Spiritual Unfoldment
Presented by Pedro Oliveira

Theosophy in Australia Magazine
Vol 88 No 4 | December 2024

2025 School of Theosophy
REGISTER NOW, 24–29 April inclusive for MEMBERS ONLY at Springbrook Retreat Centre QLD

TS 12th World Congress
Toward Insight and Wholeness: Our Role in Shaping the Future | Vancouver, Canada 23-27 July 2025

Meditation principles and dangers from early Theosophical writings

About the Theosophical Society
Linda Oliveira and Tim Boyd on the purpose of the Theosophical Society.
Our Location – Office, Events, Library and Bookshop
Manchester House, Level 1, 234 Flinders Lane, Melbourne Victoria 3000
Our Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Our Bookshop Hours: Thursday - Saturday 11.00am to 4:00 pm
Telephone: 03 8638 9007
Email: [email protected]
Our Events
Weekly at the Lodge:
Our talks/events are held every Saturday from 1:30-3:30pm at the Lodge.
On Fridays we have:
- 4pm to 5:30pm Astrology
- 5:30pm to 7pm Meditation and discussion
Fortnightly at the Lodge:
- Tuesdays: Spiritual Playgroup 7pm to 9pm (door open at 6:30pm)
- Thursdays Life and Death Cafe from 4pm to 5:30pm
Our Course Schedule is available under Melbourne Page.
The most efficient way to find out about events is to join the MTS meetup group to keep up-to-date with events and any changes to events: Go to: Melbourne Theosophy | Meetup or email [email protected] for a schedule.
Entry to our meetings is by $5 donation for non-members and free for members.
Our Bookshop Hours
Open Thursday-Saturday 11.00 am to 4.00 pm
Telephone: 03 8638 0364
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://tsbookshop.com.au/
Note: On this website you can search the books that we have in stock.
Our Library (Members Only)
Open Thursdays and Fridays 11-4pm
Telephone: 03 8638 0363
Email: [email protected]
Theosophical Order of Service
Melbourne Lodge actively supports the TOS, an independent organisation founded by Annie Besant in 1908 to provide a framework for creative, practical, and humanitarian action in a theosophical spirit.
Call (03)9650 2112 for more info
Mornington Peninsula Group
Meets at Mount Eliza Neighbourhood House Canadian Bay Rd. First Sunday of the month