The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

Some Metacritical Comments (a reply to E McAdams)Mary Carman Rosey1982v5-Octoberp264
Ltte - (attended & participated in a conference in spirit)Flora May J Piercey1982v5-Octoberp268
Ltte -Eulalio Baltazary1982v5-Octoberp268
Ltte - (Howison-Royce debate, 1897)Bernhard Mollenhauery1982v5-Octoberp269
Index to volume 5: Proper Names, Titles & Topicsanony1982v5-Octoberp271
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1983v6-Januaryp1
Out of their bodies or out of their minds? on the extrasomaticity of OBE's (1)Carl B Beckery1983v6-Januaryp3
The evolution & function of the dream (1)Alice E Bucky1983v6-Januaryp23
Near death experiences: hallucinations or glimpses of afterlife?Bodo A. Reichenbachy1983v6-Januaryp47
Psychic studies in medical education: an opinion surveyStanley R Dean, Michael L Dean, CO Plylery1983v6-Januaryp55
M&PE (1)Kathy Yanneyy1983v6-Januaryp62
M&PE (2)Joyce Roberts Murrayy1983v6-Januaryp63
News & Announcements - variousvariousy1983v6-Januaryp65
Religion & psychical research: a running bibliography (1) booksRhea A. Whitey1983v6-Januaryp66
review - Living On: How Consciousness Continues & Evolves after Death by Paul BeardFrank C Tribbey1983v6-Januaryp71
review - What Happens When You Die by Robert CrookallFrank C Tribbey1983v6-Januaryp75
review - The Turning Point: Science, Society, & the Rising Culture by Fritjof CapraHarris Ericksony1983v6-Januaryp76
review - Transition to an Ordinal Metaphysics by Stephen David RossMary Carman Rosey1983v6-Januaryp78
Ltte - (Charles Sherrington on the organization of the brain)E Wirty1983v6-Januaryp80
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1983v6-Aprilp83
Out of their bodies or out of their minds? on the extrasomaticity of OBE's (2)Carl B Beckery1983v6-Aprilp86
The evolution & function of the dream (2) Religious ImplicationsAlice E Bucky1983v6-Aprilp94
Paraphysical reality & the concept of dimensionSteven M Roseny1983v6-Aprilp118
How good is the case for apparitions?Rodger I. Andersony1983v6-Aprilp130
M&PE (2)anony1983v6-Aprilp137
M&PE (1)A. David Copperthitey1983v6-Aprilp137
Announcements - Annual Conference of the Academy of Religion & Psychical ResearchBoyce Bateyy1983v6-Aprilp139
Discussion (1) On creation - "out of nothing"?Flora May J Piercey1983v6-Aprilp142
Discussion (2) Creationism, EvolutionismEdgar Wirty1983v6-Aprilp147
review - Children of the Rainbow: The Religion, Legends & Gods of Pre-Christian Hawaii by Leinani MelvilleClaire Walkery1983v6-Aprilp148
review - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian JaynesGeorge W Fisky1983v6-Aprilp149
review - The Shaman & the Medicine Wheel by Evelyn EatonClaire Walkery1983v6-Aprilp152
Ltte - (I have been working for several years on a metaphysical novel)Steven M Roseny1983v6-Aprilp154
Ltte (JB Rhine was offered $50k not to research into survival after death)John F Millery1983v6-Aprilp155
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1983v6-Julyp157
The out-of-body experience, extrasomatic or intrasomatic phenomenon? a non-Euclidian higher space approachF Gordon Greeney1983v6-Julyp159
The evolution & function of the dream (3) Religious ImplicationsAlice E Bucky1983v6-Julyp181
The Cummings apparition (Abraham Cummings c1826)Rodger I. Andersony1983v6-Julyp206
The future of parapsychologyRhea A. Whitey1983v6-Julyp220
The Capitol Hill oracle (1)AZ Nelsony1983v6-Julyp227
Announcements - variousvariousy1983v6-Julyp243
review - Om, The Secret of Ahbor Valley by Talbot MundyClaire Walkery1983v6-Julyp247
review - Five Great Healers Speak Here ed by Nancy Gardner & Esmond GardnerClaire Walkery1983v6-Julyp248
review - Living On: A Study of Altering Consciousness after Death by Paul BeardArthur S Bergery1983v6-Julyp250
Ltte - (comments on the Anderson's review of the book on survival by McAdams & Bayless)CTK Chariy1983v6-Julyp253
Editorial (import of gnosticism for the ARPR)Mary Carman Rosey1983v6-Octoberp255
Intercession, the communion of saints & supernaturalistic metaphysicsMary A. Unkelbachy1983v6-Octoberp260
The Evolution & Function of the Dream (4) The dream & mysticismAlice E Bucky1983v6-Octoberp268
A comparison of Latter-day Saint conceptions of the afterlife & ...Craig R Lundahl & Harold A. Widdisony1983v6-Octoberp288
The Capitol Hill oracle (2)AZ Nelsony1983v6-Octoberp295
Showing 201 to 250 of 1797 entries