The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

The Herald of the Star

illustration - The Bradford Municipal Maternity & Child Welfare Scheme (1) Weighing & Measuringanony1916v5-Decemberp542a+
illustration - Infants' Hospital - Open-Air Buildinganony1916v5-Decemberp542c+
The Two Christs (vf)anony1916v5-Decemberp544
Christmas Eve (vf) (very long poem)EA Wodehousey1916v5-Decemberp545
illustration - Destruction: Semaize-Les-Bains, France, showing Destruction in the War-ZoneGeoffrey Frankliny1916v5-Decemberp560a+
France in the RemakingHuntly Cartery1916v5-Decemberp560
illustration - Reconstruction: Model House, Easily Constructed - Paris Exhibition 1916anony1916v5-Decemberp561a+
illustration - Reconstruction: Model Movable House - Paris Exhibition 1916anony1916v5-Decemberp561b+
filler (vf)Pythagorasy1916v5-Decemberp565
On Study & Training for ServiceC Jinarajadasay1916v5-Decemberp566
Our Monthly Gallery (6) The NativityHope Reay1916v5-Decemberp572
illustration - The NativitySandro Botticelliy1916v5-Decemberp572c+
illustration - The Adoration of the KingsHans Memlingy1916v5-Decemberp572b+
illustration - The Nativity - Panel of Pulpit in the Baptistry at PisaNiccolá Pisanoy1916v5-Decemberp572a+
illustration - The Adoration of the ShepherdsGhirlandaioy1916v5-Decemberp572d+
review - A Sheaf by John Galsworthyanony1916v5-Decemberp574
review - The National Being: Some thoughts on an Irish Polity by AEanony1916v5-Decemberp575
review - An Englishman's Farewell to His Church by anonanony1916v5-Decemberp576
The Dreamer (rprnt Daily News) (vf)Edward Shillitoy1917v6-Januaryp2
In the StarlightEmily Lutyensy1917v6-Januaryp3
Finding God (vf)Margaret M Langy1917v6-Januaryp6
Maternity & Child Welfare (2)EJ Smithy1917v6-Januaryp7
illustration - Infants' Hospital Bathroomanony1917v6-Januaryp8a+
illustration - Infants' Department - Treatment Roomanony1917v6-Januaryp9b+
illustration - Expectant & Nursing Mothers - Feeding Centreanony1917v6-Januaryp10c+
illustration - Maternity Hospital - corner of a wardanony1917v6-Januaryp11d+
Our Special Work of the FutureC Jinarajadasay1917v6-Januaryp13
More Recollections of Madame BlavatskyEdmund Russelly1917v6-Januaryp17
(in French) Nouvelle-Année (vf)Marguerite Coppiny1917v6-Januaryp22
Some War Sonnets (1) Beauty & DeathEA Wodehousey1917v6-Januaryp23
Some War Sonnets (2) To a Lark Heard in the Front Line TrenchesEA Wodehousey1917v6-Januaryp23
Some War Sonnets (4) A Battlefield ThoughtEA Wodehousey1917v6-Januaryp24
Some War Sonnets (3) Quantum MutatusEA Wodehousey1917v6-Januaryp24
The Public House TrustEarl of Lyttony1917v6-Januaryp25
illustration - photo Garden, Castle Hotel, Windsoranony1917v6-Januaryp26
illustration - photo coffee room, Castle Hotel, Windsoranony1917v6-Januaryp26
illustration - Food Dispense Bar at Lightship Inn, Becktonanony1917v6-Januaryp28
illustration - one of the large Dining-rooms at Lightship Inn, Becktonanony1917v6-Januaryp28
illustration - A Typical Bedroom, showing 15th-C Woodwork, at Red Lion Hotel, Colchesteranony1917v6-Januaryp30
illustration - Part of the model Gas Kitchen at Lightship Canteen, Becktonanony1917v6-Januaryp30
Keshub Chunder Sen - Asia's Message to EuropeHarendranath Maitray1917v6-Januaryp31
filler (vf)Earl of Lytton (Owen Meredith)y1917v6-Januaryp37
National Institute of Mothercraftthe views of the Duchess of Marboroughy1917v6-Januaryp38
The Mission of Eustace Milesanony1917v6-Januaryp39
The Coming of WomanShaw Desmondy1917v6-Januaryp41
International Bulletinanony1917v6-Januaryp45
Constitutional Reform: A SummaryG Colmorey1917v6-Januaryp46
King Alfred's Prayeranony1917v6-Januaryp50
DestinyE Anthony Attwoolly1917v6-Januaryp51
Showing 951 to 1000 of 3877 entries