The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

The Theosophical Path

Theosophy, The Mother of Religions, Philosophies, and Sciences (30): Invisible Worlds and Their Inhabitants (3rd Lecture)G de Puruckery1932v41i4Aprp279
The Theosophical MahatmansHT Edgey1932v41i4Aprp291
Notes for Students from the Writings of William Q JudgeWilliam Q Judgey1932v41i4Aprp297
Cagliostro, A Misunderstood Messenger (1): Introduction by CJ RyanPA Malpasy1932v41i4Aprp304
Zoroastrianism, in the Light of Occult Philosophy [reprint 'The Theosophist' Vol IV June-July 1883]Helena Petrovna Blavatskyy1932v41i4Aprp313
The Persian Student's Doctrine [reprint 'The Path' Vol VII]Bryan Kinnavan (William Q Judge)y1932v41i4Aprp331
The Sun of Man (vf) [from 'The Songs of a Chela]Reata VH Pederseny1932v41i4Aprp336
Theosophy and the New Scientific Discoveries: Further Vindications of HP Blavatsky's TeachingsCJ Ryany1932v41i4Aprp337
Theosophy in Swedish PoetryMaria Sireny1932v41i4Aprp345
Reincarnation: The Missing Key to Life's ProblemsHT Edgey1932v41i4Aprp352
Analogy the Master-KeyRose Winklery1932v41i4Aprp357
The Esoteric Character of the Gospels [Notes on some scattered Writing of HP Blavatsky]PA Malpasy1932v41i4Aprp363
review: "The Theosophical ForumLLWy1932v41i4Aprp368
review: "Lucifer" for March 1932FMDy1932v41i4Aprp368
review: "The Lotus-Circle Messenger"GKy1932v41i4Aprp369
Theosophy, The Mother of Religions, Philosophies, and Sciences (31): Pathways to the GodsG de Puruckery1932v41i5Mayp371
Keep the Link UnbrokenKenneth Morrisy1932v41i5Mayp384
Notes for Students from the Writings of HP BlavatskyHP Blavatskyy1932v41i5Mayp389
Progressive Unveiling of the Ancient Wisdom (1)Joseph H Fusselly1932v41i5Mayp405
Cagliostro: A Messenger Long Misunderstood (2)PA Malpasy1932v41i5Mayp417
The Perfectibility of ManHA Fusselly1932v41i5Mayp428
The Eternal PresenceW Stedey1932v41i5Mayp433
The Relation of Theosophy to Modern Science (2)HT Edgey1932v41i5Mayp443
The Woman of San NicolasGrace Knochey1932v41i5Mayp448
review- part 1: "Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy" by G de Purucker, ed by A Trevor BarkerMarjorie M Tybergy1932v41i5Mayp455
announcement: 'Centennial Edition of the Works of HP Blavatsky' ed by A Trevor Barkeranony1932v41i5Mayp460
review: "The Theosophical Forum"LLWy1932v41i5Mayp461
review: "Lucifer" for May 1932IRPy1932v41i5Mayp461
Theosophy, The Mother of Religions, Philosophies, and Sciences (32): Great Seers Versus VisionariesG de Puruckery1932v41i6Junp463
HP Blavatsky's Letter to the American Convention in 1888 [verbatim reprint from original]HP Blavatskyy1932v41i6Junp476
The Origin of FictionKenneth Morrisy1932v41i6Junp482
Progressive Unveiling of the Ancient Wisdom (2)Joseph H Fusselly1932v41i6Junp500
Evolution - A Questionnaire [Based on Theosophy and Modern Science by G de Purucker]HT Edgey1932v41i6Junp512
Cagliostro: A Messenger Long Misunderstood (3) (The Confession of Count de Cagliostro, Continued)PA Malpasy1932v41i6Junp523
Scientific Research and TheosophyCJ Ryany1932v41i6Junp532
review- part 2: "Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy" by G de Purucker, ed by A Trevor BarkerMarjorie M Tybergy1932v41i6Junp539
Notable Articles in "The Occult Review"GKy1932v41i6Junp546
review: "Golden Precepts of Esotericism" by G de Purucker [extracts 'The OE Library Critic']HN Stokesy1932v41i6Junp549
Requisites of Chelaship [extract Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy]G de Puruckery1932v41i6Junp551
[volumes 42-43 and issues 1-2 of volume 44 missing]-y1932v42i1Julp1
Our Grossest PrincipleG de Puruckery1935v44i3Janp283
Theosophy and Christianity: (1) Introduction [Theosophical University Lectures 1932-1933]HA Fusselly1935v44i3Janp288
Theosophy and Fraternal UnionsHT Edgey1935v44i3Janp293
Evolving Souls (2)G de Puruckery1935v44i3Janp300
Precipitation of Astral Life-Forms or - What?CJ Ryany1935v44i3Janp314
The Science of Nature: (8) The World of RealityOluf Tybergy1935v44i3Janp319
Showing 1651 to 1700 of 1752 entries