The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistWonderful Finds(`Osmanli`)y1881v2-Mayp170
The TheosophistParagraph Flashes from the Four Quartersvariousy1881v2-Mayp170
The Theosophist[Russians turning away from orthodox Greek faith]anony1881v2-Mayp170
The Theosophist[Artifacts found in Mahreb, Arabia]anony1881v2-Mayp170
The Theosophist[Girl cured from St Vitus disease through strange means]anony1881v2-Mayp170
The TheosophistAn Important Biblical ErrorM Charles Beak (HPB?)y1881v2-Mayp170
The TheosophistIn the Name of the Father, Son, & Holy Ghost (rprnt Calais Times)anony1881v2-Mayp170
The TheosophistFlowers & Plants growing without any earth(M. Alphonse Dumenil, French Chemist)y1881v2-Mayp171
The TheosophistCarlyle (rprnt Revue des Deux Mondes)M Volberty1881v2-Mayp171
The TheosophistSkulls: or Man, Woman, & Child (1)Robert G Ingersolly1881v2-Mayp171
The TheosophistHenry Bergh: declaration in favor of the whipping-postHBy1881v2-Mayp171
The Theosophist[Woman recants Christianity for Buddhism] (rprnt Bombay Gazette)anon (ttt note Ed. Theos.)y1881v2-Mayp171
The TheosophistDnyaneshwari: The Book from a TombRB Gopalrao Hurree Deshmukhy1881v2-Mayp173
The TheosophistA False "Witness"Editor (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp174
The TheosophistA Hindu Story of Re-incarnationA Kshatriya Ladyy1881v2-Mayp176
The TheosophistComment on "A Hindu Story of Reincarnation"(HPB)y1881v2-Mayp176
The TheosophistAncient & Modern ChemistryMuhammed Arify1881v2-Mayp177
The TheosophistNirwana (vf)George W Chapmany1881v2-Mayp178
The TheosophistThe Brahmo SamajA Brahmoy1881v2-Mayp178
The TheosophistThe New Dispensation Dissected (1)Tripuracharan Banerjeay1881v2-Mayp179
The TheosophistHuman Life at High Latitudesanon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp180
The Theosophist[comments on G Thibaut's paper "On the Suryaprajnapati"]anon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp180
The Theosophist[Plea by the Methodist Christians in India that the government prevent interference in their religion]anon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp180
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp180
The Theosophistfootnotes to "True Religion Defined"(HPB)y1881v2-Mayp181
The TheosophistTrue Religion DefinedVishnu Bawa, Brahmachariy1881v2-Mayp181
The Theosophistobituary - Mrs Avabai, late wife of PD Shroffanony1881v2-Mayp182
The TheosophistA "Medium" wantedRS Wyld & 8 others (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp182
The TheosophistAncient Doctrines, Vindicated by Modern Prophecyanon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp183
The Theosophist[Description of "spirits" seen at a séance]Alfred R Wallace & WW Clark & W Tebby1881v2-Mayp183
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp184
The TheosophistOlcott again on his way to Ceylonanon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp184
The TheosophistExtracts from an Official Letter from the Paris Theosophical Societyanony1881v2-June+p1
The Theosophistobituary - S Ramraoanony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistRules of the Theosophical Society or Universal BrotherhoodArchibald Keightleyy1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistThe Bombay TS [reorganisation of the branch; officers elected]FM Banajiy1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistLeneva TS (Australia) [mentioned]anony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistPekalongan TS (Java) [mentioned]anony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistPunjab Universal Brotherhood and TS (Lahore) [mentioned]anony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistSaorashtr TS (Bhaunagar, Kattyawar) [mentioned]anony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistSt Thomas TS (West Indies) [mentioned]anony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistTinnevelly TS (Madras Presidency) [mentioned]anony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistToowoomba TS (Australia) [mentioned]anony1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistRules of The Theosophical Society or Universal Brotherhood; An explanation of its Objects & PrinciplesDamodar K Mavalankary1881v2-June+p1
The TheosophistObjects of the Societyvariousy1881v2-June+p2
The TheosophistThe Resolution of the Benares PanditsRama Misra Shastriy1881v2-June+p2
The TheosophistResolution of the Sanskrit SabhaBapu Deva Shastriy1881v2-June+p2
The TheosophistRules & Bye-Laws received in General Council Feb 17, 1881Damodar K Mavalankary1881v2-June+p3
The TheosophistNo More Death! Theosophy & MaterialismMirza Moorad Ali Begy1881v2-Junep185
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, June 1st, 1881Editory1881v2-Junep185
Showing 651 to 700 of 211352 entries