The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

Letters to New Members 13 to 22

Letters 13 to 22

The second part of our series of letters from the National President to new members, sent with warm good wishes. See also Letters 1-12

Articles & Texts

Letter No. 13

A glimpse into the purpose of the Theosophical Society

Letter No. 14

Acceptance and Personal Responsibility

Letter N0. 15

Theosophy and Religion

Letter No. 16

Spiritual Anatomy

Letter No. 17

The troublesome term "Race"

Letter No. 18

Discovery and Action as a Way of Life

Letter No. 19

On The Secret Doctrine

Letter No. 20

The problem of Good and Evil

Letter No. 21

Theosophy and New Paradigm Thinking

Letter No. 22

Not the end, but the beginning of a long journey


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