The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy—Exploring the great questions of life

Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy—Exploring the great questions of life

The Wisdom The World Awaits

John Coats, Former President of The Theosophical Society 1973-1979

Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy

from the writings of H.P. Blavatsky

The Ethics and Practice of Nondualism

Dara Tatray

The Gnosis Of The Mind

G.R.S. Mead

The Theosophic Life

Annie Besant

Is Theosophy a Religion?

John Algeo

God: A Theosophical View

Pedro Oliveira

Reconciling the Self of Vedanta and the no-self of Buddhism

Dara Tatray


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The Path or Way, the Masters of The Wisdom, and Initiation

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Opinion and Belief Within The Theosophical Society

Annie Besant

Theosophical Manual No. 1

The Seven Principles of Man (Human Being)